My media homework for this half term was to create a creative revision resource and one of the options was to create a blog, which was more than appealing to me.
My first post for this homework is going to be on narrative in TV adverts. One of the first things we learnt in GCSE media was Todorov's five part narrative structure. He said that in almost every advert or story there was a certain structure which was followed.
- Equilibrium (peace and happiness)
- Disruption (problem)
- Recognition (the realisation that there is a problem)
- Complications ( more problems when trying to solve the first one)
- New equilibrium (a new found peace, a 'happy ending' if you will)

However since our current topic is advertising I better find an example on that.

Okay so the narrative in this print advert for Lynx Axe Anarchy is a good example of this theory. The equilibrium is that they both are wearing nice clothes and so we could infer they are going somewhere to have fun and have come to get petrol. The disruption is the spilling of the petrol, and then the realisation that both of them are wearing the product which is the recognition, the complication is that they're both causing chaos by being distracted, and then they realise that despite the mayhem and destruction they are very attracted to one another which is the new equilibrium.
Another narrative theory is Propp's character types where he suggests that there are certain characters in every story. These are:
- Hero (the person who resolves the problem)
- Villain (the bad guy, you know, Ursula, Jafar, Syndrome from the Incredibles and Prince Charming from Shrek)
- Donor ( the person who gives the product or helper items)
- Dispatcher (Supplier of help)
- False Hero ( a pretender e.g the wizard in The Wizard of Oz)
- Helper (a side kick)
- Princess (not an actual princess, the 'reward' for the hero whether a person or object)

These character types can also be put into place with the print advert above. The Hero is the product who makes the characters forget about the mayhem they cause, the villain you could also say is the product which creates the destruction in the first place. The donor is the boy and the girl who bought themselves the products and they are also the dispatchers who bring themselves to the petrol station. The false hero would be any other deodorant product, showing that Lynx is the best as it creates a sustainable distraction. The helper is the product which helps them forget about the danger of their situation and the princess would be the new attraction they feel for one another.
These character types link nicely into Levi-Strauss' binary opposites! He said that no narrative can exist without defining opposites. In this advert for example, hero and villain, the danger of the situation and the safety of their new found love, the ugly roadside and the beauty of the actors and so on.
Other narrative devices include:
- Enigma's - something creating a question of mystery.
- Dramatic Irony - When the audience know something other characters don't.
- Cliff hangers- leaving an air of suspense at the end of a narrative.
So you get the picture, narrative is not as simple as telling a story beginning, middle, end. There is much more to consider!
I'm thinking my next post will be on representation so see you guys then!
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