Sunday 9 June 2013

Inappropriate Princess Dolls

Afternoon lovelies,

Right so a few months ago I saw something in a supermarket that absolutely infuriated me and it only recently occurred to me to blog about it. I saw this doll in the toy section, it was a doll of snow white, you all know her, the Disney princess? This one-
A picture from the original movie 'Princess Snow White'
And this is the doll I saw in the shop-
It absolutely revolted me, not only because I am a huge Disney fan, it upset me because of the abuse they had given the traditional beauty of snow white. Girls from the ages of 4+ are the target market for dolls, so these girls are shown that that is what a princess looks like. Its warping the minds of these young girls, making them feel that the only way they'll find their 'prince' is if they dress like this. 

Evidently they haven't mirrored the original snow white, her hair was never up in a high bun with a tight sleeveless corset and short yellow skirt. Her hair was short and curly and loose with a beautiful blue and yellow ankle length dress and black and red cape. 

I don't want to get all feminist on you and start bringing in tonnes of statistics but I just don't think it's right. At my age a lot of girls I know think they should wear their skirts half way up their bums and plaster loads of makeup on, if it's to make you feel better about you it's SLIGHTLY more understandable, but the reason they don't feel secure with their natural selves is because from a very young age their shown their favourite idols and heroines dressed in a ridiculously inappropriate way. I found another few examples of 'kinky' dolls-
Moxie princess Disney dolls

Slutty princess bath dolls
 How wrong is that? To give those to a toddler/young child who will then think it's the way to dress.

It's not that I have a problem with short skirts/dresses, I myself own quite a few, but that's the thing I'm 14. I think as a girl gets older they should definitely embrace their feminine bodies in any way they wish, when they are at an age to make their own logical decisions for themselves. What I object to is these kind of dolls, sorry but when did Sleeping Beauty and Belle wear sarong's? I actually cringe when I see little girls dressed in crop tops and mini skirts and wearing makeup and heels at the age of 8. Yes 8, I have seen girls that young trying to be a certain way.

I think if they're going to be given any kind of doll they should at least look like the beautiful girls Walt Disney created-
A few Disney Princess' in their original outfits.

Anyway, rant over. Tell me what you guys think :) Comment below!

(Anything I have said in this post was not meant to offend anyone in any way, it's just my personal opinion, it doesn't mean there's a right or wrong in this matter)

I love this video and hope you guys do too.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Hi there lovelies.

I just wanted to write a short post about one of my new favourite sites. If you don't already know what this is, it's basically a site where you and your friends can ask each other or anyone else anonymous questions. It may sound simple and boring but (if used correctly) is super fun.

I've had it for about 4-5 months now and a lot of my friends and people from my school have it too so you can follow each other (which is also anonymous) and ask and answer questions. It's good for finding out the truth, things you didn't know about people, playing tricks on people, and just being completely random.

But there is a downside, as there is with every Internet craze. I know some people can get quite aggressive and abusive on it, and I've seen some pretty horrific things being said. The best thing to do if this happens is just ignore or report it. I personally haven't suffered from anything like this but some people need to just remember words can hurt. And giving your opinion is your right but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed.

So for those of you who don't have it I would recommend you all get yourself an account because it is quite fun :) - ASK ME THINGS MY PRETTIES. <3 MWAH.

Monday 3 June 2013

Chime For Change - Review

Hi there lovelies,

I was lucky enough to go to the amazing Chime For Change charity concert on Saturday 1st June and I have to say, it was easily one of the best days of my life. With amazing acts like Beyonce, Timbaland, Jenifer Lopez, Rita Ora and amazing surprise guests like Mary J Blige, Jessie J and Jay-Z, and motivating moving speech's from Madonna, Jada Pinkett Smith and many other celeb hosts. The best part was, it was all for an amazing cause A statistic that was repeated many times 'around the world women earn on average 20% less than men. Yet they perfrom 66% of the worlds work but only recieve 11% of the worlds income.' which is shocking. But this concert helped, the charity is all about bringing education, justice, and health to every woman, everywhere, and who better to represent it than female idol Bey?

Firstly after a long que, 3:30pm the doors opened and since me, my cousin and her friend were right at the front as soon as we'd had our tickets and bags checked we RAN to the front right by the bit at the gate a bit behind the golden circle, and we held our spot there for 7hours. (Which is terrible difficult when you really need a wee) At first we got a bit bored seeing as the show didn't start till 6pm and it was a hot day. 

But once the show started with an energetic performance from a talented Zumba group everyone's spirits lifted. Followed by an EXCELLENT performance by the beautiful Jessie J, who really got everyone moving and singing along. The whole thing was an incredible experience I will never forget. I mean seeing some of the biggest names in music like Rita Ora and Timbaland was awesome. The whole thing just rocked.

I think aside from the beautiful Beyonce's performance my favourite part of the evening was Madonna's amazing speech. She had such a passion and determination to get her message across. She shared the amazing story of a Pakistani woman who went against tradition and wanted to give girls today a good education. 

So overall the musical performances were phenomenal. I'm still over whelmed by the fact I saw Beyonce and Jay- Z perform  'Crazy In Love' together. And I saw one of my idols, Florence Welch perform too, it was a fun, happy, night that consisted of mothers, daughters, sisters, best friends and other gorgeous people singing dancing, partying.

But although most people attended desperate to see Beyonce, I think everyone left with a deeper message. The problem of sexism, human trafficking, rape, sexual violence and abuse etc. I shall leave you with a thought provoking saying that was the statement of the evening, it will always stay with me 'None of us can move forward if half of us are held back.'
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