Sunday 27 January 2013

People Watching

Hello lovelies,
Well you see, I write poems. As cheesy and silly as it sounds they really help me release my emotions. I don't usually tell people about them. But a friend read this one and thought I should post it, as he thinks If I post my own poems It'll help you guys (my beautiful readers) feel more connected to me. 
So here it is, called "People Watching." I hope you guys like it. 

People watching
I sit as the day goes past,
Different people cross my path,
I sigh; take in the foggy, misty air,
Different people different soul’s different stories, I can’t help but stare
An old lady comes and sits next to me,
I suddenly felt the urge to flee,
But then she pulls out a cigarette and ignites it,
She’s not the kind of granny to sit around and knit,
The smell of her sweet perfume colliding with the tobacco stench envisions my mind,
And slowly, gradually stories start to unwind,
A war-wife, a foreigner, a mother, a grandmother, a girl, a woman, a sister and friend,
More and more options started to extend,
She may have found love,
She may have fought hard,
She may suffer hardship,
She may be alone,
She may have lost everything,
Possibilities run wild in my head, 
Just from her eyes, her soul I have read,
She’s experienced excitement, heartache, grief, happiness, and depression,
And then, around me, the air starts to freshen,
Purity and laughter,
And I know from hereafter,
I have been enlightened, 
My soul and eyes and spirit have been brightened.

Comment, follow, tweet or email me :)

Monday 21 January 2013

Snow Day!

Hello lovelies,

If you live in the UK you're probably aware of the recent heavy snowfall we've received. It got so bad that me and my brother got a day of school. So we were pretty happy and had an awesome day. So I'm going to share with you what we did :) 
So first I went outside to my garden and took some pretty pictures. I don't know about you guys but I love the feeling of making footprints in fresh snow, it feels kind of magical. So here are some of the nice snowy pictures I took.


Then we decided to make a mini snowman and 'decorate' him. We also decided to call him Cedrick. I wanted to make him bigger but my hands got way  too cold.


Then later on we came inside and watched my all-time favourite movies... SHREK2 AND ALADDIN. Which just made me so happy, Aladdin is actually the best film ever in my opinion. I can't even put into words how much I love it. 

My gorgeous teddy Terrance, Vanilla Chai and the best movies ever.

Then I just came upstairs looked in my school diary and realised I have a maths test and two homework's due for tomorrow. So yeah, that kind  of killed my mood. So I better be off now, homework time. I hope everyone had fun in the snow :) 
P.S sorry about the layout of the pictures, it kind of messed itself up and refused to change.

Saturday 19 January 2013

Gingerbread Men

So, I did some baking today. Anyone who knows me well knows I do love to bake and I guess I am pretty good. I've been meaning to make gingerbread for a while now, and I finally got round to it. They didn't turn out exactly how I thought they would, but I liked them. Here's what I did-

1. I sifted all the dry ingredients which were, plain flour, brown sugar cinnamon, ginger salt, and bicarb. 

 2. I then heated up the golden syrup and butter.

 3. Then I made it into a dough, and left it to cool in the fridge for 30mins. Whilst it cooled I got my decoration stuff out.

 4. I then cut them into various shapes and left them to bake in the oven for 8mins on full power.
 5. Then, my favourite part, I decorated them.
Okay, so they don't look ultra amazing and professional, but they're cute right? Since they're 'ginger' bread men, I named these two Ed and Shriya. (You know, after my love, Ed Sheeran<3...)

 And here's some of the others I made!

 If you want the recipe for these then here is the site:
They turned out slightly too gingery for my liking, but the texture and overall taste of them was good. If I were to make them again I'd use a lot less ginger and a little more sugar.

What's the deal with Crumpet's?

Hello All, 

So, I went downstairs this morning and thought "Hmm, what should I have for Breakfast?" And realized my mum had bought crumpets, so I enjoyed a nice, hot, jam- covered crumpet for my breckie.

BUT whilst I was eating my crumpet I thought "Hey, what are crumpets? Bread is bread, made from wheat and flour and you get tonnes of different types, but what is a crumpet classed as?" It really got to me, so I decided to do some research.

According to Wikipedia a crumpet is "a griddle cake made from flour and yeast." They are eaten mostly in the UK and other nations of the commonwealth. 

The History Of The Crumpet-
Crumpets are thought to be an Anglo-Saxon invention. Many many years ago, they were hard pancakes cooked on a griddle, rather than the soft and spongy crumpets of the Victorian era, because over-time they were adapted and began to be made with yeast. The crumpet-makers of the English Midlands and London developed the it's look by sticking some holes in them, by adding extra baking powder to the yeast dough. The term itself may refer to a crumpled or curled-up cake, or have Celtic origins relating to the Breton krampoez meaning a "thin, flat cake" and the Welsh crempog or crempot, a type of pancake

Slang using 'Crumpet' -
In the U.K. the term “crumpet” is occasionally used to refer to a sexually attractive woman, often in the phrase “a bit of crumpet” is used. This is similar to the use of the word “tart” as slang for a loose and easy-to-pull lady. Using the word crumpet is generally not considered offensive these days, though at an earlier time, the word was actually used as a term of endearment.

I know this is a completely random post and kind of weird, but I hope you guys have liked it and found it interesting. I found researching these things really strange, I didn't know any of   this about crumpets, I feel utterly enlightened.

Farewell for now my lovelies ;)

Tuesday 8 January 2013

One Direction - Kiss You

One Direction- Kiss You

I have returned my lovelies ;)

Right, so I’ve made it no secret that I LOVE 1D and you’re probably thinking “what a typical teenage girl.” Well I don’t care, because as well as loving folk/pop/indie/rock music, I will always have a huge space in my heart for One Direction and I wanted to review their latest music video for the song Kiss You taken from their “Take Me Home.” Album.

So, I thought it was really clever how they showed them filming different takes of the video, and used that idea, as the video. It was unusual and I liked it. They changed and went through various scenes and outfits, all of which, they looked hot in. And in all their video’s they look like they’re having so much fun! They look like they’re proper having fun and enjoying themselves, and it looks quite natural, like they’re having a private dance session together and it’s not an exclusive video that millions of people have been waiting to see! The vibe from their videos is always amazing.

Out of all the outfits they changed through, the surfer one was my personal fave. They’re all super-duper hot with their shirts off. It’s not exactly 6 packs galore but I still find it easy on the eye if you get my drift. And I thought when Louis did his tiny solo and said “So tell me girl if every time we...” his voice sounded so good.  I also really liked the ski-scene their colorful outfits were so cute; I just really wanted to cuddle Zayn!
I liked Harry’s nipple bit (this sounds extremely weird if you haven’t seen the video) and the sailor picture! I wasn't too fond of the little jail/cage bit; I didn’t really understand its relevance and thought it could have been replaced by something more unusual, like an underwater scene or in an exotic country, that would have been cool.

And it was soooooooooo adorable when Zayn kissed Harry on the cheek at the end! Awwwh :’)

It was such an eventful video but still extremely simplistic, I loved that about it.

Also every time I review something now I’m going to rate it out of 10 depending on the opinion I’ve expressed in the post. So I’d rate this video a 8.5/10.

So I hope you guys liked this post, and for those of you who haven’t seen it yet, here is the video!

Monday 7 January 2013

Year 9 -True Friends

A wise old woman once told me "Shriya, you won't find your TRUE friends until year 9 " Okay, so she wasn't exactly a wise old woman. More like my older cousin who is basically like a sister to me and my best friend. She said this to me in year 7, and I realize now how right she was.

Don't worry this isn't going to be some b*tchy post on me naming everyone in my year that I've been friends with. I just want to talk about how true it is and why. During the start of year 7 I mainly stuck with my primary school friends because I felt comfortable with them, but as the year progressed I'd joined various little groups of friends, and I kept growing out of them, or they kind of fell apart. And if you'd said to me then that I'd be hanging out with the people I do now, I wouldn't have believed you.

Not only have all my friends changed, but I have too. And because of these changes you kind of have to adapt into new groups.. The reason all this change has occurred in the last 2 and a bit years is because of bloody hormones. We all know what they are and we all hate them. They cause us to have highs and lows of emotions, and become different people sometimes. So here's some hormone science for you all :D 

"Researchers believe that a few main hormones are responsible for promoting feelings of well being. These hormones are norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Another name for these hormones is monoamine transporters; that is they carry important messages along the neural pathway in the brain. Where an imbalance of these hormones occurs, a mood, energy or cognitive problem results."

 "Norepinephrine is also called noradrenalin and behaves similar to adrenalin, in that it is released in reaction to anger or emergency."
"Dopamine is associated with euphoria and our desire or motivation." 
"Serotonin may help us feel energetic, calm and assured. Most mood problems are associated with serotonin imbalances. Because the vast majority of depression sufferers may have low levels of serotonin." 
Now, as scary as that all sounds it's part of us teens, and we gotta deal with it.

I know, since year 7 I have changed A LOT. And not actually for good reasons, I'm not quite fond of how I've changed and some of my New Years Resolutions are to try and change back a little. I don't feel completely myself the way I am not, and I know that sounds silly because I've just been banging on about how hormones change your personality but I'd like to just be a bit more confident with myself and be happier. 

So I think what my cousin said to me was true. Once your in year 9 people start to change a lot more, and you realize who your true and real friends are. And right now I love my friends and I wouldn't swap them for anything.

Just a quick little reminder to you all, this is the last day of our holidays, so I'm back to school tomorrow. I will try and blog later this week depending if the teachers don't bombard us with tonnes of homework.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Ron Pope - Koko Last Night


Last night was possibly one of the the best nights of my life. This was because I went to my first concert, not only that it was a Ron Pope concert! And (mind my language here) it was f**king amazing! It was literally, so so awesome. It was in Koko in Camden, and was quite an intimate gig, but still amazing. Koko is a really nice venue for a concert, large, open, creative, very very pretty, and they have little balconies for people to stand on which is where I was, I loved the venue and would definitely go back.

So I want to start off by talking about the supporting acts, Saul Ashby and To Kill A King. Saul started off, I'd never heard of him before so I was interested to hear his sound. He was adorable too, and he had cute hair and geeky glasses. He had a really nice voice too, I really liked when he sang his song "Slow Down Marie." It was beautiful. And bless him, the cutie gave us all free copies of his CD at the end. And, To Kill A King. WOOOWZA. I'd never heard of them before either, but after last night I don't think I'll ever stop listening to them. They were electric, they literally made the whole place move. They were very rock and roll. I loved how one of the guitarists whose name was Josh I think waled on stage with no shoes. And later stood on one of the giant amps and played his guitar. They were seriously incredible, they were headbanging and singing and proper dancing on the stage and everything. I thought they rocked, they knew what they were doing, played and sang extremely well and they looked like they were having one hell of a time up there too.
Saul Ashby performing last night
To Kill A King performing last night
And then as soon as Ron walked on stage everyone screamed, it was so cool. And he kicked off by singing his hit "One Grain Of Sand." which almost everybody knew the words to so we were all clapping and singing along which was great. He followed by singing a numerous number of his songs which I was happily singing along to, such as Monster (from hie newest EP) Atlanta (his newest album) Seven English Girls, Wherever You Go, October Trees etc.   And he actually talked to us too, he thanked us all for buying his music and tickets really sincerely and he promised to come back to London if we promised to all keep buying tickets. He told us stories of some of his songs, things that happened to him on tour, about his band, and what I found most cute. How he didn't understand a lot of the words that the 'english cab drivers' used. Like he learnt that "nicked" meant to be arrested, he was adorable. And when he was singing I swear I saw him look directly at me, I mean he could have been looking at the other pretty girls behind me, but I'd like to let myself believe he was looking at me. 

And then he did something really really awesome for his last song.  He told us all to put away our phones and our camera's etc, and he talked about how little kids when they're little they dance, and they sing, and they draw, before they get to an age where people tell them they can't sing or dance or draw or whatever they do. And he said that we'd all know the song he was about to sing and we should ALL sing with him. And then he started to play A Drop In The Ocean on keyboard and we all sang with Ron. Then he stopped for like 15seconds and it was just the crowd singing and it was magical. He created something so magical with his music, the fans that were there last night all adored him, especially myself. 
 So overall, it was AMAZING. I had so much fun, and am still not over the fact I was so close to Ron. I loved it so much, all of it. Such an experience. And to give you all a taste of how great it was here is a video if him last night singing "I don't mind if you don't mind." I feel so lucky that I was there!

It wouldn't let me embed the video so there's the link.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

'Worst Dressed Male'

Right, so I have just read something that deeply worried me. Apparently Ed Sheeran is the no.1 worst dressed male? EXCUSE ME? Well, this is according to Men's fashion magazine 'GQ'.

So after I got over the anger this caused me, I thought I'd do a little web-surfin' and I found out who else is in the 1op 10 'worst dressed men' and the 'best dressed men' and I'm not sure I agree at all. Here's what I found:
Best Dressed top 10:
  • 1. Dan Stevens (actor)
  • 2. Tom Hiddleston (actor)
  • 3. Tinie Tempah (rapper)
  • 4. Nick Grimshaw (radio and television presenter)
  • 5. Dermot O'Leary (radio and television presenter)
  • 6. Idris Elba (actor)
  • 7. Robert Pattinson (actor)
  • 8. The Prince of Wales
  • 9. David Walliams (actor and comedian)
  • 10. Eddie Redmayne (actor)
Worst dressed top 10:
  • 1. Ed Sheeran (singer-songwriter)
  • 2. Jon Cruddas (Labour MP)
  • 3. Alex Reid (cage-fighter and ex-husband of Katie Price)
  • 4. Max George (The Wanted singer)
  • 5. James Tindale (reality TV star)
  • 6. Ivor Braka (art dealer)
  • 7. Robbie Savage (ex footballer and pundit)
  • 8. Andrew Marr (journalist)
  • 9. Lord Gilbert (Labour peer)
  • 10. Jason Gardiner (choreographer, best known as a judge on Dancing On Ice)

So it seems, GQ reckon Downton Abbey's Dan Stevens is the best dressed male. I mean no-disrespect to Dan here, but what? He doesn't dress badly but I wouldn't say he's the no.1 best dressed male at all. He defeated the nation's heart throbs Daniel Craig, David Beckham and RPatz. I'm not saying they should have won either but I think they would have been better candidate's than Dan, no offence to him.

Now, the supposed 'worse dressed'. No way Ed should even be in that list. It's because he's more casual. When he performs he's always wearing hoodies and jumpers and t-shirt accompanied with jeans and snazzy trainers. Do people not understand the guy doesn't want to be wearing some £800 suit while performing especially if it's not comfortable. He's playing guitar and singing and he doesn't need to dress up for that. He dresses appropriately, he wore a pretty nice navy suit to the Brit awards. LOOK:
Hot right?
This isn't just me being biased because I love Ed Sheeran, it's the fact that most of the guys that are classed as 'best dressed' are barely dressed half the time anyway. They're always topless and showy-offy. And that's fine for movie's or photo shoots for magazines but it doesn't mean they dress well. The fact is all these celeb's are making big bucks so they can afford the latest stuff, and Ed could too. But I'm sure he spends his money on more essential/important things. I think it's great that he doesn't just take his shirt off in his music video's.
The cutie tweeted earlier "named no.1 worst dressed male in GQ, glad they noticed" and followed it by saying "i did wear a Burberry suit once." Bless his cotton sockies.
Not that I think he's that bothered, which he shouldn't be.
So even though Ed was named worst dressed, I'd vote him best most lovable personality ever! And I think he's sexy.
Comment what you think about this list :)

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

Hello my lovlies ;)
Happy New Year! Woah, Crazy that it's 2013 already.
I thought for my first post of 2013 I'd talk about New Years Resoloutions. You know, when people say they'll go to the gym and quit after a week? And when people 'give up' chocoloate and last for 3days? Well I thought I'd made some reasonable New Years Resoloutions and share them with you guys. I have 9 and I'm hoping to stick to them all.
Sorry about the crappy pictures, they were from my phone. So as you can I see I've written them out and I'm going to try to stick to them!
I think mine are pretty realistic and simple.
2. Haha, I hug so much, this one should be fun, I'll just hug even more.
3. Since the start of year8 I haven't been reading as much as I used to due to distractions (twitter&bbm...) so I really want to read more, because I used to read soooo much.
4. I'm too simple and boring and structured sometimes, I want to do more spontaneous stuff, I have no idea what but I'll think of something.
5.This one is self-explanatory I want my grades to only get better and not go down.
6.I want to minus the distractions and get more blogging done even during school terms.
7. I'm a teenager, and I argue with my parents a lot, so I think I should be nicer to them,maybe hug them more...
8. I seem extremely confident but when it comes to approaching new people I can't do it. I also had a huge passion for performing between year 2-7. And I lost that, and I regret it, I want to audition for plays, and get back into drama, because I love it.
9. Last year I lost connections with some friends when I made new ones and I think I need to re-connect with some of my friends and become that social butterly I really am again.
So if you guys want to, comment and tell me your new years resoloutions!
Have a beautiful year:D xxx
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