Monday 12 September 2011

Waterloo Road Series 6 Recap

Waterloo Road Series 7 Re-Cap
A lot happened last series so I thought I’d write a brief recap for you with all the drama so you’re ready for series 8 on Wednesday.
School based drama ‘Waterloo Road’ ended very dramatically last series with Karen Fisher leaving the school, with all its unique problems, students & staff.
Sambucca Kelly, the feisty blonde who was good at heart but always back chatted teachers sadly got diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away. Tom Clarkson who was her family’s pillar of support for a long time helped her through her last weeks, along with her boyfriend Finn and best friend Lauren. Slowly dying she tried to make the most of her time left by spending her last day looking for her biological father and having a day at the seaside with her loved ones. The school had a memorial service for her and have planted a tree in her memory.
Staff member Eleanor Chaudry went behind Karen’s back telling the head of the board about the bad things happening in Waterloo road, which resulted in the school almost being shut down and Karen resigning, but Eleanor pulled through in the end, realising what she’d done was wrong and started a protest to keep the school open.
Aiden Scotcher (the caretaker’s son) got into a relationship with the head teacher’s daughter Jess Fisher, but then cheated on her with her best friend who’s currently engaged, Vikki McDonald. And they both became pregnant! Their friendship is shaky for a while but they realise they must stick together through it; Vikki decides she wants to keep the baby, but soon after she loses it in a mis-carriage.
Jodi Allen, also known as Scout joins the school as a messed up child with a broken family, a selfish mum, baby brother, and dealing drugs to supply for her family. But soon after Mr. Mead becomes aware of her situation and he helps her greatly, first by small things, giving her new uniform, and toiletries, but when her mum leaves town to be with her new boyfriend he takes her in for a night and takes care of her and her brother. Her character also becomes very close with Denzil Kelly, (Sam’s brother) who at first teases her like everyone else, but then shows a very large interest in her.
As a new series dawns, new characters, plots and stories will be coming to our screens. A new head teacher who came from an all boy’s school and survived a brutal stabbing will be taking over Waterloo Road, will the kids like him or drive him away like many other staff members?
So make sure you tune in on Wednesday BBC1 for the first episode of the new series!

Monday 5 September 2011

One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful Review

One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful
One of the runners up from X Factor 2010, young, fun boy band One Direction have got a new single ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. (Release 11th September 2011)
The beginning of the song is the intro to ‘Summer Loving’ from the film Greece. I think it fitted in with the rest of the song really well.
The much loved band filmed the video for this song in LA on a beautiful sunny beach, directed by John Urbano.
Whilst filming the video Niall (1/5 of the band) almost got arrested for joyriding the orange caravan which is shown several times in the video, because he didn’t have a licence!
Also there’s a very intense scene when Harry sings close up to one of the girls in the video, I can tell hundreds of teenage girls across the nation were jealous at that point, I know I was!
The 5 teenage heart-throbs Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn also appeared on ‘The Alan Carr Show’ recently and proved they had come a long way since X Factor. No, I don’t mean they’d become sophisticated adults, but Zayn who on the show refused to dance in the boot camp session, actually had a dance off with Alan Carr! But on a serious note, they really have improved since the show, their voices, I think, are amazing.
I really like their fashion sense most of them going for the cool, suave look, t-shirts and chino’s, but Louis went all out there with his stripy top and bright red jeans. I loved his bravery that outfit wouldn’t suit many people, but it totally worked for him. On the subject of fashion, Liam went from his straight silky locks to the wavy rough look, personally I preferred the look before but this isn’t bad at all.
This video wasn’t your typical boy band kind of thing, which I like, they used a lot of unique aspects such as the sparklers on one scene and the orange caravan and singing whilst standing in the sea, I think that gave the video more of a bright happy vibe too.
I really love this song and think they’re doing a great job and can’t wait till they release an album; I’ll be first in the queue to buy it! They’re so young and different and have such an amazing career ahead of them, I think they’ve all grown more confident and I love this song, I remember the first time I heard it I had my own private dance session in my room!
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