This page is just to tell you all a little about me:
My name is Shriya, I'm 16 years old currently doing GCSE'S and I started this blog when I was 12 so I do apologise for the poor writing in some of my older posts. I love writing, mainly because I think it's one of the only things I'm actually good at. I also love reading and baking and music. My dream is to one day own my own bakery but before that I'd like to do something in journalistic writing or advertising.
I am also kind of a TV show geek; I effing love Game of Thrones, The Vampire Diaries, and The Originals. There is an endless list of shows i want to start watching too.
I drink a lot of tea, and that's all I can think of to say about me.
(See that rhyme, eh hehe)
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