Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Finale Review

Hey lovelies,

If you remember, a while back I posted on the first episode of TVD season 4, and I also posted on the season 3 finale. Now it's time to post on the epic episode that was 4x23.

I love how the episode started off with the veil still down, despite the fact it caused one of my favorite characters to die (Bonnie) it was so great to have the others back, even if it was just for a few episodes. I can't even explain to you guys how good it was to see Jeremy, Alaric and Lexi back, the happiness it bought me was overwhelming. Plus, they all really helped with all the ghosts that I wasn't too please to see, like Vaughn, Connor and Rebekah's ex that nobody remembers the name of. Alaric's moral and physical support against Connor and Vaughn was much needed especially when Damon could have potentially died from that werewolf venom.

Now, can we all just marvel in the beauty of that Mebekah kiss scene? I could not even contain my tears of joy when Rebekah was telling Matt all the places she wanted to show him and then that insanely passionate kiss. And I was so glad when later on Matt agreed to go with Rebekah. I was terrified that Matt was doing these things i the spare of the moment, seeing as he could have died any second. It was beautiful, and although 'The Originals' will be on soon, I do hope Matt and Rebekah have a future together.

The moment we'd all been waiting for, that huge Delena kiss.
The moment when Elena chose Damon, for real, without the sire bond, or pressure from anyone. She chose him, and even thought I'm not a Delena shipper myself, that scene was incredible and did make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And I'm sure it pleased thousands of fans everywhere. My twitter time line was blowing up with responses and love for the ultimate Delena kiss.

The actual graduation ceremony wasn't that captivating, I thought there would be more of a story there. But it was great when the Silas sacrifices came out of no where and tortured the gang, just in time for Klaus to swoop in and save the day. Not only did he save Damon, he gave Caroline what she most wanted. This was by far my favorite scene form the whole episode, the Klaroline scene of the season and a quote that will get me through the next few months without TVD " He is your first love. But i intend to be your last, however long it takes" Just perfection. I don't really want to comment anymore on this scene because it was so amazing that words can't justify it.

Being a fan who favors Stefan more than Damon, that nasty little twist was not appreciated. Silas and Stefan... DOPPELGANGERS?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY JULIE, WHY?
I'm sure he'll be ok though, someone (probably Damon) will find him and get him out of that coffin, they won't let him die. And it will be so interesting to see how having two Stefan's pans out.
And what about my poor Bonnie? I'm ecstatic that Jer is back, but without his love, I'm sure she'll still be in episodes to come though guys.

And the answer we'd all been waiting for "Who takes the cure?" and it was none other than out bad ass bitchy, Katherine. And god am I proud of Elena for shoving it down her cocky throat. And I'd like to compliment Nina Dobrev on that superb fight scene with herself. It was so exciting, when Elena pulled the cure out, I thought she was going to take it herself, but no she forced it into Katherina. Brilliant! It's going to be awesome next season to see the great Katherine Pierce as a human girl. (Which also means guys, that Klaus, can make more hyrbrids, will our little Kath be taking a forced trip to the New Orleans?)

So if you're excited for season 5 as I am, or as depressed there's no TVD for months, or anything to say at all about the episode or my review please comment below:)

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