Thursday 1 August 2013

Monsters University

Hey lovelies! Right It's been over the first week of the summer and I still haven't blogged, silly me, sorry.

Firstly I logged onto BlogSpot today to find I now have over 10,000 blog views, so thanks so much guys.

And now, here's my review of the Monsters Inc.
sequel, Monsters University.

Mike Wazowski and James P.Sullivan weren't always an inseparable pair, there was a time when in fact they were enemies. Mike the eager, intelligent, little kid who was inspired after a school trip to the scare floor and Sully the stuck up, cocky guy who's father was a famous scarer. This prequel shows us their lives before the lovable duo were best friends. In their younger days they struggled to see eye-to-eye and this is the story of how they got to where they are today.

Okay, since I was a little girl Monsters Inc. was one of my favourite Pixar films, I actually remember a time period where my Dad called me 'Boo' and I refused to leave the house if my hair wasn't in pigtails like hers, when I heard there was going to be a new movie coming out with my childhood heroes Mike Wazowski and Sully, I freaked out. And I have to say this film met my high expectations and I loved it!

My favourite aspect of the film was being able to see Randall and how he became the bitter hateful monster he is today. It was crazy to see him all small and nerdy and cute, and how he changed and started hanging out with the cool kids, and then becoming mean and nasty. I have to praise Pixar on that, it was very interesting.

Another thing I liked was the competition they entered in order to get back into the scare programme after they failed. Their team was too hilarious, the conjoined twin monsters, the old guy, the fluffy purple hippy, and the squishy one. That was too cute. I loved seeing Mike and Sully bond and became the dynamic duo they are now. Brilliance.

And the ending of the film was great, when Mike broke into the lab and into the summer camp, followed by Sully, their team-work and heart-to-heart moment was enough to bring a tear to my eye. Then right at the end, after being kicked out of the university it shows Mike and Sully working in the monster-mail-room and how they work themselves up to the scare floor. All round a great kids film that I'd definitely recommend.

Another great film I've seen this month is 'Now You See Me' many critics have been downgrading It but I'd have to disagree, I thoroughly enjoyed it, I mean, I've seen better films, but I did really like this, so check it out guys :)

Sunday 9 June 2013

Inappropriate Princess Dolls

Afternoon lovelies,

Right so a few months ago I saw something in a supermarket that absolutely infuriated me and it only recently occurred to me to blog about it. I saw this doll in the toy section, it was a doll of snow white, you all know her, the Disney princess? This one-
A picture from the original movie 'Princess Snow White'
And this is the doll I saw in the shop-
It absolutely revolted me, not only because I am a huge Disney fan, it upset me because of the abuse they had given the traditional beauty of snow white. Girls from the ages of 4+ are the target market for dolls, so these girls are shown that that is what a princess looks like. Its warping the minds of these young girls, making them feel that the only way they'll find their 'prince' is if they dress like this. 

Evidently they haven't mirrored the original snow white, her hair was never up in a high bun with a tight sleeveless corset and short yellow skirt. Her hair was short and curly and loose with a beautiful blue and yellow ankle length dress and black and red cape. 

I don't want to get all feminist on you and start bringing in tonnes of statistics but I just don't think it's right. At my age a lot of girls I know think they should wear their skirts half way up their bums and plaster loads of makeup on, if it's to make you feel better about you it's SLIGHTLY more understandable, but the reason they don't feel secure with their natural selves is because from a very young age their shown their favourite idols and heroines dressed in a ridiculously inappropriate way. I found another few examples of 'kinky' dolls-
Moxie princess Disney dolls

Slutty princess bath dolls
 How wrong is that? To give those to a toddler/young child who will then think it's the way to dress.

It's not that I have a problem with short skirts/dresses, I myself own quite a few, but that's the thing I'm 14. I think as a girl gets older they should definitely embrace their feminine bodies in any way they wish, when they are at an age to make their own logical decisions for themselves. What I object to is these kind of dolls, sorry but when did Sleeping Beauty and Belle wear sarong's? I actually cringe when I see little girls dressed in crop tops and mini skirts and wearing makeup and heels at the age of 8. Yes 8, I have seen girls that young trying to be a certain way.

I think if they're going to be given any kind of doll they should at least look like the beautiful girls Walt Disney created-
A few Disney Princess' in their original outfits.

Anyway, rant over. Tell me what you guys think :) Comment below!

(Anything I have said in this post was not meant to offend anyone in any way, it's just my personal opinion, it doesn't mean there's a right or wrong in this matter)

I love this video and hope you guys do too.

Saturday 8 June 2013

Hi there lovelies.

I just wanted to write a short post about one of my new favourite sites. If you don't already know what this is, it's basically a site where you and your friends can ask each other or anyone else anonymous questions. It may sound simple and boring but (if used correctly) is super fun.

I've had it for about 4-5 months now and a lot of my friends and people from my school have it too so you can follow each other (which is also anonymous) and ask and answer questions. It's good for finding out the truth, things you didn't know about people, playing tricks on people, and just being completely random.

But there is a downside, as there is with every Internet craze. I know some people can get quite aggressive and abusive on it, and I've seen some pretty horrific things being said. The best thing to do if this happens is just ignore or report it. I personally haven't suffered from anything like this but some people need to just remember words can hurt. And giving your opinion is your right but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed.

So for those of you who don't have it I would recommend you all get yourself an account because it is quite fun :) - ASK ME THINGS MY PRETTIES. <3 MWAH.

Monday 3 June 2013

Chime For Change - Review

Hi there lovelies,

I was lucky enough to go to the amazing Chime For Change charity concert on Saturday 1st June and I have to say, it was easily one of the best days of my life. With amazing acts like Beyonce, Timbaland, Jenifer Lopez, Rita Ora and amazing surprise guests like Mary J Blige, Jessie J and Jay-Z, and motivating moving speech's from Madonna, Jada Pinkett Smith and many other celeb hosts. The best part was, it was all for an amazing cause A statistic that was repeated many times 'around the world women earn on average 20% less than men. Yet they perfrom 66% of the worlds work but only recieve 11% of the worlds income.' which is shocking. But this concert helped, the charity is all about bringing education, justice, and health to every woman, everywhere, and who better to represent it than female idol Bey?

Firstly after a long que, 3:30pm the doors opened and since me, my cousin and her friend were right at the front as soon as we'd had our tickets and bags checked we RAN to the front right by the bit at the gate a bit behind the golden circle, and we held our spot there for 7hours. (Which is terrible difficult when you really need a wee) At first we got a bit bored seeing as the show didn't start till 6pm and it was a hot day. 

But once the show started with an energetic performance from a talented Zumba group everyone's spirits lifted. Followed by an EXCELLENT performance by the beautiful Jessie J, who really got everyone moving and singing along. The whole thing was an incredible experience I will never forget. I mean seeing some of the biggest names in music like Rita Ora and Timbaland was awesome. The whole thing just rocked.

I think aside from the beautiful Beyonce's performance my favourite part of the evening was Madonna's amazing speech. She had such a passion and determination to get her message across. She shared the amazing story of a Pakistani woman who went against tradition and wanted to give girls today a good education. 

So overall the musical performances were phenomenal. I'm still over whelmed by the fact I saw Beyonce and Jay- Z perform  'Crazy In Love' together. And I saw one of my idols, Florence Welch perform too, it was a fun, happy, night that consisted of mothers, daughters, sisters, best friends and other gorgeous people singing dancing, partying.

But although most people attended desperate to see Beyonce, I think everyone left with a deeper message. The problem of sexism, human trafficking, rape, sexual violence and abuse etc. I shall leave you with a thought provoking saying that was the statement of the evening, it will always stay with me 'None of us can move forward if half of us are held back.'

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Finale Review

Hey lovelies,

If you remember, a while back I posted on the first episode of TVD season 4, and I also posted on the season 3 finale. Now it's time to post on the epic episode that was 4x23.

I love how the episode started off with the veil still down, despite the fact it caused one of my favorite characters to die (Bonnie) it was so great to have the others back, even if it was just for a few episodes. I can't even explain to you guys how good it was to see Jeremy, Alaric and Lexi back, the happiness it bought me was overwhelming. Plus, they all really helped with all the ghosts that I wasn't too please to see, like Vaughn, Connor and Rebekah's ex that nobody remembers the name of. Alaric's moral and physical support against Connor and Vaughn was much needed especially when Damon could have potentially died from that werewolf venom.

Now, can we all just marvel in the beauty of that Mebekah kiss scene? I could not even contain my tears of joy when Rebekah was telling Matt all the places she wanted to show him and then that insanely passionate kiss. And I was so glad when later on Matt agreed to go with Rebekah. I was terrified that Matt was doing these things i the spare of the moment, seeing as he could have died any second. It was beautiful, and although 'The Originals' will be on soon, I do hope Matt and Rebekah have a future together.

The moment we'd all been waiting for, that huge Delena kiss.
The moment when Elena chose Damon, for real, without the sire bond, or pressure from anyone. She chose him, and even thought I'm not a Delena shipper myself, that scene was incredible and did make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And I'm sure it pleased thousands of fans everywhere. My twitter time line was blowing up with responses and love for the ultimate Delena kiss.

The actual graduation ceremony wasn't that captivating, I thought there would be more of a story there. But it was great when the Silas sacrifices came out of no where and tortured the gang, just in time for Klaus to swoop in and save the day. Not only did he save Damon, he gave Caroline what she most wanted. This was by far my favorite scene form the whole episode, the Klaroline scene of the season and a quote that will get me through the next few months without TVD " He is your first love. But i intend to be your last, however long it takes" Just perfection. I don't really want to comment anymore on this scene because it was so amazing that words can't justify it.

Being a fan who favors Stefan more than Damon, that nasty little twist was not appreciated. Silas and Stefan... DOPPELGANGERS?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY JULIE, WHY?
I'm sure he'll be ok though, someone (probably Damon) will find him and get him out of that coffin, they won't let him die. And it will be so interesting to see how having two Stefan's pans out.
And what about my poor Bonnie? I'm ecstatic that Jer is back, but without his love, I'm sure she'll still be in episodes to come though guys.

And the answer we'd all been waiting for "Who takes the cure?" and it was none other than out bad ass bitchy, Katherine. And god am I proud of Elena for shoving it down her cocky throat. And I'd like to compliment Nina Dobrev on that superb fight scene with herself. It was so exciting, when Elena pulled the cure out, I thought she was going to take it herself, but no she forced it into Katherina. Brilliant! It's going to be awesome next season to see the great Katherine Pierce as a human girl. (Which also means guys, that Klaus, can make more hyrbrids, will our little Kath be taking a forced trip to the New Orleans?)

So if you're excited for season 5 as I am, or as depressed there's no TVD for months, or anything to say at all about the episode or my review please comment below:)

Thursday 25 April 2013

Damage- Interview

Hello Lovelies,

I have something very special and exciting for you today. You all know Damage, right? That awesome band that sang  "Love II Love"  that reached number 12 and "Forever" the number 6 hit? WELL, I happen to have an exclusive interview with them, because they're back baby;) 

And for those of you who haven't heard them before this could be an exhilarating new revelation for you into the world of Damage.

Here's the interview! 
When did you guys meet and decide to former band?

Noel - Most of us met in school and always had a talent and passion for performing and being on stage

Jade - myself, Rahsaan and Noel went to the same school and Andrez and I met as kids performing in a theatre show called

'Carmen Jones'

We all loved to sing and were inspired by groups like Boys II Men, Shai, Hi Five and Lo Key.

Rahsaan Decided to start a group and told me I was in it and we just started rehearsing every day and got better and

Better. That was in 1991 so we're amazing now!

Were you all interested in the same genre of music, or was there some compromising?

Ras - Thankfully we are all from the same West Indian British background all grow up together and really have the same thoughts and feelings about what good music was. We raved and partied to the same tunes so choosing the genre and a direction of music was pretty easy.

Jade - we've had our points later in our careers where you want to do something different and we've gone and done it but when you’re in a group it’s important to all be working of the same Hymn sheet.

In your opinion what was your first big success?

Andrez - There has been so many different milestones throughout our Damage career, I don't think we can pinpoint one big success fully. I guess making it into the national charts in many people's eyes would represent being successful.

Jade - Our first Hit was Love II Love. I remember being at our manager’s house with our parents all listening to the Radio 1 Chart show and going crazy when we got our chart position of 12 which was a massive achievement for us. We were so happy and I remember thinking to myself right we've made it boys. Then the next single was higher. Then the one after that was even higher.

As a band what is your biggest dream?

Noel - I guess one of the biggest dreams would be to succeed in the states and have worldwide recognition which I guess any artist will always be striving for.

Who are your inspirations/ idols?

Noel - I myself look up to quite a few artists not just for their musical ability but for the drive and motivation because it’s very easy these days to take knock backs as a sign it was not meant to be, but for few people who have that special focus on something that helps them and motivates them to make more of an effort.

Jade - My music Inspiration Prince. He is the ultimate artist. He writes amazing songs, produces incredible tracks, plays

Every instrument Sings like an angel and is the epitome of cool.

 Ras – As for me, I draw from my kids just from seeing how fearless they have to be when starting a new chapter in their lives. We should try to keep that level of fearlessness as we grow older!

Jade- does it help having a partner who is in the music industry?
Jade -I suppose it does help because you both understand what you are going through but it can be tough too if you are both on the road and away from each other for long periods at a time. History shows that it doesn't work but I think our relationship speaks for its self.

Do you think you will still be popular with the ladies?

Ras - I think in the early stages that would have been one of our main focus but as we are older and wiser now I don't think it really matters as long as you can get down with our music we are happy, of course it is nice to be wanted but as seasoned performers we want our music to speak volumes and not the size of our pecs.

Jade - I Hope so. Damage is all about the ladies….

What is the best gig you've ever played and why?

Andrez - There have been so many it’s hard to pinpoint one as being the best. I guess, for different reasons one of them would have to be one of our most recent gigs at the Jazz Café, just because we had been away for so long and the feedback from our fans and the audience was phenomenal it is nice to know we are still loved and appreciated.

All - Agreed

Who is your music aimed at?

Noel - Everyone who is into good music, be young or old, black or white everyone!

Ras - We've been very blessed because our music seems to appeal to all ages and genders. Ultimately we make love songs but, it’s not just women who are into Damage. We are all nice guys but we also have a hard but cool edge which I think men appreciate.

Why call yourselves "Damage"? 

Ras - When we were younger we had attitude and the name was a perfect fit but we could also be very sweet so were turning a negative into a positive.

What's next for you guys?

All - We are in the studio getting ready to drop something really heavy on the UK and the world. Get ready to catch it…

Fab,right? Well I can't wait to hear some new stuff from Damage, how about you guys?

Just another thank you to the guys for the great interview, and here's a little something that will leave you totally soothed.

Monday 15 April 2013

Indian Weddings

Hiya Lovelies,
So as some of you may or may not know, I am a Hindu Indian, and being a Indian teenage girl has certain obligations. Such as attending all the wedding events your family has. And by family I do not mean immediate family, I mean, family that you may not have seen for 7years, but now one of their daughters/sons is getting married, who you might have not even met, but you must attend anyway. I decided to write about this now because I went to a wedding and a reception this weekend, and funnily enough I actually enjoyed myself.
I'm not complaining to be honest, because I do actually have fun at them sometimes. They're actually quite beautiful and magical. So here are some of the things Indian weddings entail.

  • The bride's parents welcome the bridegroom and his family at the door of the house. A red powder mark is applied to their forehead. Members from both families are formally introduced, marking the start of relationship between two families. The bride and the bridegroom then exchange flower garlands.
  • The bridegroom is brought to a specially decorated altar called 'mandap' and offered a seat and a welcoming drink - a mixture of milk, ghee, yogurt, honey and sugar.
Gau Daan and Kanya Pratigrahan

  • The symbolic exchange of gifts, particularly clothes and ornaments takes place. The groom's mother gives a necklace (mangala sootra) to the bride. Mangla sootra is the emblem of marital status for a Hindu woman. The bride's father declares that their daughter has accepted the bridegroom and requests them to accept her.


  • A sacred fire is lit and the Priest recites the sacred mantras in Sanskrit. Oblations are offered to the fire whilst saying the prayers.


  • This is the ceremony of vows. The husband, holding his wife's hand, says "I hold your hand in the spirit of Dharma, we are both husband and wife".

Shilarohan and Laaja Homa

  • Shilarohan is climbing over a stone by the bride which symbolises her strength to overcome difficulties. Both gently walk around the sacred fire four times. The bride leads three times and the fourth time the groom leads.  The couple join their hands into which the bride's brothers pour some barley, which is offered to the fire. The husband marks the parting in his wife's hair with red powder for the first time. This is a distinctive mark of a married Hindu woman. Often why you see a lot of Indian women with 'bindi spots'


  •  The couple walk seven steps reciting a prayer at each step. These are the seven vows which are exchanged. The first for food, the second for strength, the third for prosperity, the fourth for wisdom, the fifth for progeny, the sixth for health and the seventh for friendship.A symbolic matrimonial knot is tied after this ceremony.
To some of you that may have been a load of un-interesting rubbish that you'll never need to know, but I hope some of you found it interesting. To be honest I could talk a whole load more about the actual cultrue of it all, like how one must greet an aunty (masi) at a wedding, and what one must wear, and behave like, because that's acutally stuff you have to learn before attending one of these, or you could end up looking like a right twat.

 I will finish off with some pictures of the wedding I went to this weekend. Which was actually one of the shorter ones, it was a lovely ceremony at the Hare Krishna temple in Watford, if any of you want to know about how the Hare Krishna's are different to hindu's, I'll put the link to their website at the bottom of the post.

Lord Krishna.
Me, what I wore to the wedding. 

Some paintings in the Mandir.

The reception venue.
Paintings at the Mandir.
Me, what I wore to the reception.

Saturday 6 April 2013

One Direction - Last Night at the o2

Hello hello hello,

It was flipping amazing, all of it, every single second, and I wish I could relive it. 

So firstly lets give a mention to my best friend who got the tickets for her birthday, Megan. I love that girl. We got ready together before the concert on Friday and helped each other with hair and makeup, I have to admit when we got there I did feel a little over dressed. But I didn't mind since I was proudly wearing my 1D badges and temporary tattoos. 

Seeing the o2 for the first time was awesome, it was giant and inside there were two Starbucks, TWO! I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Anyway everything was great because queueing up didn't take long at all since we got there pretty early. Then entering the arena was surreal. Firstly I was pretty proud that we'd actually gone through the right entrance and got to the right seats by ourselves, being the 'irresponsible' girls we are. 

The seats we had were fantastic( besides the guy in front of us who stank of  cheesy wotsits), we were a few rows up from the floor seats in the middle, so we had a great view of the stage. The support acts were awesome too. Camryn was cute and so energetic, maybe we'll be seeing more of her music here in the UK now. Ans 5 SOS rocked too, their beat was electric, it was so heavy I felt like I was having a heart attack (in a good way). Also when we went to the loo before 1D came on, one of the 'o2 angels' took a picture of us in this photo booth thingy wearing funny hats holding a 1D sign :D  I'm not gonna lie I didn't really get what she was doing, but I liked her wings so it was ok. Then we bought some glow sticks to wave in the air. 

And when 1D came on you can imagine the screaming. The arena went crazy for them. Each song they sang was followed by vigorous singing a
long and screams of love for them. When they sang 'Rock Me' and the lighting went crazy I felt so excited! That's easily my favourite song from their album, and the liver performance made me love it even more. That and 'Little Things' where probably the best performances of the night. Also, when they flew out to the audience on the little stage platform thing that was awesome, they were so close to us I thought my heart was going to stop! And I swear to god Louis waved at us<3 AHH *fan girl moment* Okay, I'm done.
I also loved when they finished off with 'What Makes You Beautiful' TUNE.
CUTE. Their big group hug on stage.
I think the best part was when they stopped in between to talk to the audience. I loved when Niall kept saying he needed a wee, when Liam called us all his friends, when they had a huge group hug on stage. And it was so funny just before the last song, Niall was talking and Louis interrupted him and shouted " NIALL, NIALL, SOMEONE IS TRYING TO LEAVE, STOP THEM." So Niall ranted about how there was always one who left before the last song, and told them to sit back down, haha.

Overall amazing evening. Probably one of the best nights of my life :)

Here's a little video of them answering some tweets they got asked last night.

Saturday 2 March 2013

My Inspirations- 50th post

Lovelies, this is my 50th blog post so I thought I'd do a special post on my top 10 inspirations in life. 
Right, so I'm gonna start from 10 and work my way to 1 to reveal who my biggest idol is.

10. Zoey Redbird- Okay, so she's a fictional character from the House Of Night series (by P.C and Kristen Cast) ever since I read Marked, and all the way through to Hidden, I thought, damn, despite this girls' family, boyfriend, best friend, and self-confidence problems she manages to battle evil and try and keep sane. She's a very strong figure and yeah she has outbursts and freaks out, but who doesn't? She generally is very very wise, faithful, strong, happy, and handles situations brilliantly and that's why she inspires me. 

9. The Bronte sisters- These women are just astonishing. Pretending to be men in this era couldn't have been easy, and writing such beautiful books too? Wowza. I have to say I have only read one of their books, Wuthering Heights but it was one of the best things I've ever read. I just look up to them so much. I always find myself wondering what their lives would have been like. It would have been wonderful to have known them.

8. My sisters- Right so not actually my sisters, but my older cousins. I have 3 older cousins who I have been extremely close to my whole life, so practically my sisters. They are such beautiful, intelligent women, and I love them to bits. All of them are so wise and helpful and I know I could go to them with anything, they have helped me, been there for me, and encouraged me so much and I hope I do as well as they have and become happy and successful like them. And generally my cousins are all amazing and inspire me.

7.Perez Hilton and Darryn Lyons- These men inspire my purely because they rock. Their blogs are so amazing, I check daily to see what they've posted about. It really helps keep me up to date. Their writing styles are different but amazing, and I wish I could write that well. One day maybe my blog will make me famous... (kidding man, I'm not that great ha ha)

6. Ed Sheeran- By now you must all know what a big Ed Sheeran fan I am. All his songs just speak to me, his lyrics are just uplifting. I feel so in-touch with my soul when I listen to Ed's music. He's just a beautiful man with a beautiful voice who speaks to people through song. That's all there is to say really.

5. Caroline Forbes- Another fictional character, from my favourite show, The Vampire Diaries. From the beginning in season1 through to 4, Caroline has been this kind of gullible, headstrong, peppy, smart, fun, pretty girl. I just see some aspects of myself in her. Especially when Klaus said to her "This town won't be enough for you." She is so eager to go far and she can, but she's restrained by her troubled family, messed up friends and confusing love life. But she remains happy and positive, she's always thinking of a way to solve the problem. I wish I was more like her.

4. Joseph Morgan- Not just because of his amazing role as Klaus in The Vampire Diaries, but he himself is awesome. He's more than just an actor, he's artistic, and creative, as we know from the pictures and tweets he posts. Also he's very into reading as he started the #Book Revolution with his fans on twitter, which I personally love because I adore reading too. AND, he did brilliant charity work, he raised so much awareness for Positive Women , and encouraged his fans to donate money, which was brilliant. He's not just a pretty face! Other TVD cast members like Ian Somerhalder helped ISF so much, and Matt Davis helped endangered rhinos. Such awesome actors and people.

3. Winnie The Pooh- Yes, I know he's not real and he's a children's character, but jheez the things he comes out with! Everything he says is said with love and thought, his personality is so cute, he's always saying lovely things to his friends, and is such a clueless yet all-knowing bear. Definitely one of my childhood hero's, bloody lovely isn't he?. 

2.My Year6 teacher- Her name was Mrs.Stuart (formerly Miss.Khan) and alas, I have not seen her since my last day of  year6 as she got pregnant and left :( But she was easily the best teacher I've ever had. She was so kind and considerate and fun and happy all the time. So motivating too. I really really loved her. She wasn't one of those teachers who everyone says is nice but has a nasty side. I've literally never met anyone as nice and pure as her. I will always remember what she said to me when I walked out the classroom, everyone was crying, including the teachers and I was leaving and she said "Keep writing Shriya, you're brilliant at it." and she hugged me. Bless her, I do miss her...

And finally...

1. Pocahontas- Of course Pocahontas! She is wonderful! She's gorgeous, happy, tough, determined, thoughtful, etc. I have always loved the movie, and how in-touch with nature she was. It's just very self-explanatory, I love her, she understood so much and was so eager to keep peace and keep love. She was incredibly wise. She is by far my biggest inspiration ever, to reach her levels of knowledge, happiness, and satisfaction with life would be bliss. And until I do, I will continue to sing "Colours of the wind." everyday in the shower. 

So those are my inspirations/hero's and idols. Who are yours?

Thursday 21 February 2013

My poem

Heya Lovelies,

You guys know now from my previous posts, that I write poems. So, the other day a friend of mine was feeling down so I decided to write this for him.

 "Friendship revolves around love
, and ours resembles a dove,
 pure and real and true,
 like Piglet and Winnie the Pooh,
 know that I'm always here,
 my lovely lovely dear,
 and so, the dramatic violins I cue,
 because I really really love you."

Sorry but I had to put a  Winnie The Pooh referance in, he's just too cute. Look! 
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.So it's super cringy and kinda lame, but it's not my worst. I think I've noticed my own faults. I'm focusing more on getting it to rhyme than the actual flow of it. So I'm going to work on that and remember that poetry is meant to be from the heart not the brain.

Any who, hope you all liked it, if you didn't that's okay too, comment and lemme know! 

Thanks guys, seeya soon :)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day lovelies<3

Hello all,

Now, as we all know it's Valentines Day today, and that is a day filled with love and friendship and romance and cuddles. So many of my friends exclaimed how much they hated V day today and i think I'm the only one who enjoy's it!

I'm not in a relationship or anything but It's just such a lovely day, it's so sweet to see other couples in love, and to tell your friends and family how much you love them.

At my school they do a special valentines day gift thing. Basically a few weeks before valentines the sixth form start to take orders down, so students can go to them and order, a rose(fake), love heart sweets, and/or a message to go with it, we have to pay for it, tell them whom to send it to and their form and then on Valentines Day it gets delivered to them. I think this a lovely thing and though it is sad when some people don't get things, it's still a kind gesture.

Every year me and my friend send each other sweets via sixth form on v day and it's so sweet. This year I received 2 packs of love heart sweets from too sweet friends, and tonight I intend on curling up with my lovely teddy bear, a cuppa, and the love hearts and watching Waterloo Road in hope that Imogen and Connor get together! And then one of my all time favorite movies, MEAN  GIRLS<3 You go Glenn Coco!

So what are your thoughts on  Valentines Day? A cringey day where stores overprice their flowers? Or a great day and good way of expressing love?

Monday 4 February 2013

Who's more complicated, boys or girls?

Lovelies, I have returned.

And today with a topic I thought extremely interesting. I was with my friends the other day at school(who are mainly guys by the way) and one of them said "Girls are far more confusing than guys." So I thought, hmm, I'm gonna do some research, so I got my good friend Lewis to help me out with this.
So we were in the library today discussing the complications of men and women and here's what we said.

Lewis: Girls get so many mood swings, especially at this age, their hormones are crazy and you can't tell what mood they're in, it could be happy, or bloody angry and explosive. Also when they ask the dreaded question "How do I look?" There is no way to win, any comment made can be easily mis-interpreted into an insult. Another thing, when they ask something and get an answer they always ask why, for e.g "Girl: Are you my best friend? Boy: Yes. Girl: Why? Boy: Because you're lovely and kind. Girl: But why? Boy: Because you're amazing?..." Girl : But, why??????...etc." It's endless, also there is no right answer, again it  can be very easily taken the wrong way. They get angry over very little things, like if you forget their birthday. Generally they're very complex, weather you're popular and happy, or quiet and secretive, they over think lots of little things and are very picky and pedantic, sometimes. They also get way too obsessive over their appearance, they spend so long when all they're doing is walking around school, guys don't find tonnes of makeup attractive, most of them look better without it.

Shriya: Generally (not ALL) think they can get away with treating girls badly. Weather a friend or girlfriend, sister, mother, in some way they think it's ok to ignore messages, and ok to leave things lying around, and think they will be forgiven and get away with it, continuously. Often they are inappropriate about girls. I know this because I regularly hang round with like 12 guys and they talk about porn, girls they think are hot, about certain bodily features, etc. They find girls attractive even if they don't like their personality, they judge people especially girls, on our appearance then they complain that we wear too much makeup and doing  our hair is a waste of time. They get very obsessive, again, this is a general thing, they get so addicted to games, weather it be minecraft or fifa, or black ops or just dance. What every they're into, I've noticed they get very competitive, addicted, and constantly occupied by them, it becomes like a way of life to them that they have no time for anything else. They should learn to priorotise  Some are very very narrow minded and don't think about the other things in life, like there is so much in the world, different places and cultures, and nature, and music and art, and facts, and sometimes by their behavior it doesn't seem like they are interested in anything else but what they like, and are unaware of the possibilities in life. A lot of them hide their emotions, it's not illegal to tell someone if you're upset, or what you're thinking! Lastly, sexist jokes? Why do you think you can make them, they aren't funny and make us hate you.

To be honest, everything Lewis said was more or less correct, and I completely agree that the majority of girls do everything he said, we are a complicated species, but you love us anyway:)
So we sat and discussed, and I took notes and debated and concluded that we have these opinions and perceptions not only from our own experience but from stereotypical portrayals. In movies and TV shows often men are the ones to cheat, or do something wrong so many women feel men are untrustworthy, and dishonest, and treat women badly like I said earlier. And women are portrayed as over-emotional dramatic, complicated people, which is why men sometimes exaggerate, and when a girl is angry one day, the immature ones are like "oh she's on her period." which annoys the hell out of us by the way, don't do it. 

So, what do you guys think? Who's more complicated guys or girls?

Sunday 27 January 2013

People Watching

Hello lovelies,
Well you see, I write poems. As cheesy and silly as it sounds they really help me release my emotions. I don't usually tell people about them. But a friend read this one and thought I should post it, as he thinks If I post my own poems It'll help you guys (my beautiful readers) feel more connected to me. 
So here it is, called "People Watching." I hope you guys like it. 

People watching
I sit as the day goes past,
Different people cross my path,
I sigh; take in the foggy, misty air,
Different people different soul’s different stories, I can’t help but stare
An old lady comes and sits next to me,
I suddenly felt the urge to flee,
But then she pulls out a cigarette and ignites it,
She’s not the kind of granny to sit around and knit,
The smell of her sweet perfume colliding with the tobacco stench envisions my mind,
And slowly, gradually stories start to unwind,
A war-wife, a foreigner, a mother, a grandmother, a girl, a woman, a sister and friend,
More and more options started to extend,
She may have found love,
She may have fought hard,
She may suffer hardship,
She may be alone,
She may have lost everything,
Possibilities run wild in my head, 
Just from her eyes, her soul I have read,
She’s experienced excitement, heartache, grief, happiness, and depression,
And then, around me, the air starts to freshen,
Purity and laughter,
And I know from hereafter,
I have been enlightened, 
My soul and eyes and spirit have been brightened.

Comment, follow, tweet or email me :)

Monday 21 January 2013

Snow Day!

Hello lovelies,

If you live in the UK you're probably aware of the recent heavy snowfall we've received. It got so bad that me and my brother got a day of school. So we were pretty happy and had an awesome day. So I'm going to share with you what we did :) 
So first I went outside to my garden and took some pretty pictures. I don't know about you guys but I love the feeling of making footprints in fresh snow, it feels kind of magical. So here are some of the nice snowy pictures I took.


Then we decided to make a mini snowman and 'decorate' him. We also decided to call him Cedrick. I wanted to make him bigger but my hands got way  too cold.


Then later on we came inside and watched my all-time favourite movies... SHREK2 AND ALADDIN. Which just made me so happy, Aladdin is actually the best film ever in my opinion. I can't even put into words how much I love it. 

My gorgeous teddy Terrance, Vanilla Chai and the best movies ever.

Then I just came upstairs looked in my school diary and realised I have a maths test and two homework's due for tomorrow. So yeah, that kind  of killed my mood. So I better be off now, homework time. I hope everyone had fun in the snow :) 
P.S sorry about the layout of the pictures, it kind of messed itself up and refused to change.
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