My Inspirations- 50th post
Lovelies, this is my 50th blog post so I thought I'd do a special post on my top 10 inspirations in life.
Right, so I'm gonna start from 10 and work my way to 1 to reveal who my biggest idol is.
10. Zoey Redbird- Okay, so she's a fictional character from the House Of Night series (by P.C and Kristen Cast) ever since I read Marked, and all the way through to Hidden, I thought, damn, despite this girls' family, boyfriend, best friend, and self-confidence problems she manages to battle evil and try and keep sane. She's a very strong figure and yeah she has outbursts and freaks out, but who doesn't? She generally is very very wise, faithful, strong, happy, and handles situations brilliantly and that's why she inspires me.
9. The Bronte sisters- These women are just astonishing. Pretending to be men in this era couldn't have been easy, and writing such beautiful books too? Wowza. I have to say I have only read one of their books, Wuthering Heights but it was one of the best things I've ever read. I just look up to them so much. I always find myself wondering what their lives would have been like. It would have been wonderful to have known them.
8. My sisters- Right so not actually my sisters, but my older cousins. I have 3 older cousins who I have been extremely close to my whole life, so practically my sisters. They are such beautiful, intelligent women, and I love them to bits. All of them are so wise and helpful and I know I could go to them with anything, they have helped me, been there for me, and encouraged me so much and I hope I do as well as they have and become happy and successful like them. And generally my cousins are all amazing and inspire me.
7.Perez Hilton and Darryn Lyons- These men inspire my purely because they rock. Their blogs are so amazing, I check daily to see what they've posted about. It really helps keep me up to date. Their writing styles are different but amazing, and I wish I could write that well. One day maybe my blog will make me famous... (kidding man, I'm not that great ha ha)
6. Ed Sheeran- By now you must all know what a big Ed Sheeran fan I am. All his songs just speak to me, his lyrics are just uplifting. I feel so in-touch with my soul when I listen to Ed's music. He's just a beautiful man with a beautiful voice who speaks to people through song. That's all there is to say really.
5. Caroline Forbes- Another fictional character, from my favourite show, The Vampire Diaries. From the beginning in season1 through to 4, Caroline has been this kind of gullible, headstrong, peppy, smart, fun, pretty girl. I just see some aspects of myself in her. Especially when Klaus said to her "This town won't be enough for you." She is so eager to go far and she can, but she's restrained by her troubled family, messed up friends and confusing love life. But she remains happy and positive, she's always thinking of a way to solve the problem. I wish I was more like her.
4. Joseph Morgan- Not just because of his amazing role as Klaus in The Vampire Diaries, but he himself is awesome. He's more than just an actor, he's artistic, and creative, as we know from the pictures and tweets he posts. Also he's very into reading as he started the #Book Revolution with his fans on twitter, which I personally love because I adore reading too. AND, he did brilliant charity work, he raised so much awareness for Positive Women , and encouraged his fans to donate money, which was brilliant. He's not just a pretty face! Other TVD cast members like Ian Somerhalder helped ISF so much, and Matt Davis helped endangered rhinos. Such awesome actors and people.

3. Winnie The Pooh- Yes, I know he's not real and he's a children's character, but jheez the things he comes out with! Everything he says is said with love and thought, his personality is so cute, he's always saying lovely things to his friends, and is such a clueless yet all-knowing bear. Definitely one of my childhood hero's, bloody lovely isn't he?.

2.My Year6 teacher- Her name was Mrs.Stuart (formerly Miss.Khan) and alas, I have not seen her since my last day of year6 as she got pregnant and left :( But she was easily the best teacher I've ever had. She was so kind and considerate and fun and happy all the time. So motivating too. I really really loved her. She wasn't one of those teachers who everyone says is nice but has a nasty side. I've literally never met anyone as nice and pure as her. I will always remember what she said to me when I walked out the classroom, everyone was crying, including the teachers and I was leaving and she said "Keep writing Shriya, you're brilliant at it." and she hugged me. Bless her, I do miss her...
And finally...
1. Pocahontas- Of course Pocahontas! She is wonderful! She's gorgeous, happy, tough, determined, thoughtful, etc. I have always loved the movie, and how in-touch with nature she was. It's just very self-explanatory, I love her, she understood so much and was so eager to keep peace and keep love. She was incredibly wise. She is by far my biggest inspiration ever, to reach her levels of knowledge, happiness, and satisfaction with life would be bliss. And until I do, I will continue to sing "Colours of the wind." everyday in the shower.
So those are my inspirations/hero's and idols. Who are yours?
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