Right so today I am going to write about representation of
different elements in the media. Representation is how people, events and
idea's are portrayed to an audience, it is a version of truth constructed by
the media industry and often revolves around stereotypes.
The main things often represented in the media are:
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Sexuality
- Class
There is usually a process which advertisers follow to
creating these representations. Firstly depending on the product or company;
demographics must be decided. Do they want the model of the advert to be upper
class or working class? British or African? Middle aged or young adult? Gender?

Lastly verisimilitude's
. This word frightened me at first but it's really not that bad. It is the way in which an advert or text creates an appearance of reality. There are a few different ways of doing this:
- Utopia- a perfect ideal world
- Dystopia- a scary and negative world, often futuristic (think The Hunger Games; near future America)
- Surrealism- An unusual unique version of reality (The capitol from The Hunger Games or that scary climate change adverts)
- Manipulated reality- elements of reality but often heightening the humour side (the haribo adverts with the adults talking like babies)
- Reality- straightforward everyday life (e.g. a city background)
- Animation- a more fun and youthful representation of life, and can be combined with any of the above types.
Ok now for an example to show this. I am also going to try
and work in some theories to this analysation too.
So with this Dolce and Gabanna advert I'd say the
demographics are 20-35 year old white males and female, middle class, urban
city livers. I think the intention of this advert was to be a positive
representation for both genders and the product but can be interpreted very
differently. It is a counter-typical way of presenting these models as although
it is very stereotypical to show young people with flirtatious body language in
advertising, we don't often see four extremely strong and good looking men
standing around a girl in very stylish and sexy clothes during the day time.
The intention is clearly to show a utopia, an ideal world in which men can all
pin down a gorgeous woman without question; trying to tell the audience their
lives will be like this if they buy Dolce and Gabanna's product. This is a
fantastic example of Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory too; the idea that women
are presented in media to please straight men. The advert employ's a 'sex
sells' attitude through the mise-en-scene of the ad. Her costume is black,
connoting danger and fear and erotic nature. Accompanied by the blue sky
implying the perfect day. The body language of the model's is key too; one of the
men has his arm pinning down the woman who has a sultry and somewhat distressed
facial expression. This shows the intended sense of dominance the advert is
trying to create.
They are all cornering this beautiful woman because they can
with this product, presenting her as a man would like. By degradation. While
the other three men stand around either staring intensely at different parts of
her body or attempting to look sexy by staring solemnly into the camera. The
lighting of the frame is bright and connoting a sunny summers day, while their
costume's dark implying their intentions are dark too. The camera angle
(wide-shot) has been done to ensure you can see all of their bodies fully; this
is to show off not only the woman's sex appeal and curves but to display the
topless 'sexed up' men too. Showing us that although the advert is primarily
sexualising women, the men are also being portrayed this way; despite the
dominant body language.
Okay so that's all for now and I think next week I will
write something about Advertising techniques. Have a good week sweetlings!