Last night was possibly one of the the best nights of my life. This was because I went to my first concert, not only that it was a Ron Pope concert! And (mind my language here) it was f**king amazing! It was literally, so so awesome. It was in Koko in Camden, and was quite an intimate gig, but still amazing. Koko is a really nice venue for a concert, large, open, creative, very very pretty, and they have little balconies for people to stand on which is where I was, I loved the venue and would definitely go back.

So I want to start off by talking about the supporting acts, Saul Ashby and To Kill A King. Saul started off, I'd never heard of him before so I was interested to hear his sound. He was adorable too, and he had cute hair and geeky glasses. He had a really nice voice too, I really liked when he sang his song "Slow Down Marie." It was beautiful. And bless him, the cutie gave us all free copies of his CD at the end. And, To Kill A King. WOOOWZA. I'd never heard of them before either, but after last night I don't think I'll ever stop listening to them. They were electric, they literally made the whole place move. They were very rock and roll. I loved how one of the guitarists whose name was Josh I think waled on stage with no shoes. And later stood on one of the giant amps and played his guitar. They were seriously incredible, they were headbanging and singing and proper dancing on the stage and everything. I thought they rocked, they knew what they were doing, played and sang extremely well and they looked like they were having one hell of a time up there too.
Saul Ashby performing last night |
To Kill A King performing last night |
And then as soon as Ron walked on stage everyone screamed, it was so cool. And he kicked off by singing his hit "One Grain Of Sand." which almost everybody knew the words to so we were all clapping and singing along which was great. He followed by singing a numerous number of his songs which I was happily singing along to, such as Monster (from hie newest EP) Atlanta (his newest album) Seven English Girls, Wherever You Go, October Trees etc. And he actually talked to us too, he thanked us all for buying his music and tickets really sincerely and he promised to come back to London if we promised to all keep buying tickets. He told us stories of some of his songs, things that happened to him on tour, about his band, and what I found most cute. How he didn't understand a lot of the words that the 'english cab drivers' used. Like he learnt that "nicked" meant to be arrested, he was adorable. And when he was singing I swear I saw him look directly at me, I mean he could have been looking at the other pretty girls behind me, but I'd like to let myself believe he was looking at me.
And then he did something really really awesome for his last song. He told us all to put away our phones and our camera's etc, and he talked about how little kids when they're little they dance, and they sing, and they draw, before they get to an age where people tell them they can't sing or dance or draw or whatever they do. And he said that we'd all know the song he was about to sing and we should ALL sing with him. And then he started to play A Drop In The Ocean on keyboard and we all sang with Ron. Then he stopped for like 15seconds and it was just the crowd singing and it was magical. He created something so magical with his music, the fans that were there last night all adored him, especially myself.

So overall, it was AMAZING. I had so much fun, and am still not over the fact I was so close to Ron. I loved it so much, all of it. Such an experience. And to give you all a taste of how great it was here is a video if him last night singing "I don't mind if you don't mind." I feel so lucky that I was there!
It wouldn't let me embed the video so there's the link.