Monday, 28 November 2011

The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn Part 1

Twilight-Breaking Dawn Part1

In the 4th instalment of the teenage phenomenon, Jacob receives the wedding invitation from Edward&Bella and he runs away for several weeks. It comes to the wedding& Bella has some ‘pre-wedding jitters’, no, I don’t mean she’s afraid of commitment to her vampire fiancée. She has a blood-curdling dream of her wedding day, as she walks down the aisle to see Edward with a red blood stain on his tux, she then turns around to see all her wedding guests dead, turns back to Edward and none other than the Voltori are standing there and Bella awakens shaken. Then it’s the real wedding, but after Edward shows his good un-beating heart when he leads Bella to Jacob, her best friend, and leaves them to dance, then they hold and embrace each other until they start talking about the honeymoon, when Bella tells him they’re planning to have sex for the first time Jacob flips out and thinks she’ll die, so he leaves. The happy couple then head off to they’re honeymoon, a small isle that Carlisle and Esmee, got them for a wedding gift. On the first night Bella prepares herself for the first time they make love, and as they begin to make love Edward breaks the bed, and gets her preggers!

They both thought it was impossible for her to become pregnant, but they were proved wrong, when Bella feels a clench in her stomach and realises her period is late they rush home and Carlisle tells Bella she is in fact pregnant, but the foetus isn’t compatible with the body and is breaking her from the inside. During the time of Bella’s pregnancy the wolves find out she’s breeding a half vampire half human and they get worried about what it could be capable of so they plan to kill her, Jacob then leaves the pack, he says ‘If you kill her you kill me!’ which proves Jacob truly loves Bella, Seth and Leah follow Jacob as they disagree with Sam’s (the leader of the pack) decision.  Bella then gives birth to her child and is put through excruciating pain, but it’s done and it’s a little girl that they name ‘Renesmee’ as a combination of both their mother’s names. Jacob and Edward both initially hate the chid for what it’s doing to Bella, but then Jacob only goes and imprints on her! He now was a secure bond with Renesmee which can’t be broken. And when Edward see’s his baby girl he loves her instantly but Bella’s body can’t cope with what happened and she starts to die and Edward attempts to swoop in and save her.

Firstly I’d just like to comment on how much I LOVE the fact the first thing you see on screen are Jacob’s abs! Rocking that six pack! In every film he always looks in such great shape, and I have to say Edwards actually surprised me building some muscle too! I thought every single outfit worn in this movie was incredible, especially at the wedding the detail in Bella’s dress is just gorgeous, and all her outfits on the honeymoon also just really suit her. Though her look changes dramatically when she becomes pregnant, her face sinks in and she starts to look grey weak and fragile, definitely more ill than your average pregnant woman!

Personally my  three favourite scenes from the movie are firstly when Jacob and Bella dance on the night of the wedding, before they argue they’re just so...involved with each other, you can tell they never want to forget a minute of those few moments together by the way they look at each other with passion but hurt because Bella knows she will soon become a vampire and Jacob won’t be able to tolerate her company, he says to her ‘this is how I’ll remember you, pink cheeks, heart beating, you’d think I’d be used to telling you goodbye’ they’re love even though it’s a friend kind of love is just remarkable. Secondly when Edward and Bella are on their honeymoon and they show the variety of things they get up to, like when Edward breaks the bed on the first night they try to get intimate, they play chess several times but one of them always knocks over the other’s pieces and they just mess around giggling, they go swimming a lot too, and after the first time they make love but Edward bruises Bella, Bella keeps trying to get him to do it again and watching her do this is actually quite funny. And lastly when Bella is dying after giving birth, Jacob storms out because he thinks it’s too late, but Edward just won’t give up, he tries so hard, he bites her several times to try and get more venom into her to turn her to a vampire, he’s so determined to keep her which is so sweet, and I ADORE how they show the inside of her body showing all the venom trying to get to her heart, and then when everyone thinks she’s gone, they show her changing, her skin becomes clear and ivory, her lips become red and plump, her hair, shiny and fresh and her posture suddenly becomes more elegant and poised, and she opens her eyes at the last second so everyone sees that they’re red, she’s a vampire.

This week the rating on the film have been incredible, it even beat the likes of the latest Harry Potter movie! I am a total Twi-hard and am a tad obsessed with vampires and to me this was the best of all the films so far, it was utter eye-candy, every scene was either stunning or intense and I loved it, the one criticism I have is the ending was far too abrupt, they show her awakening and then cut it off, It definitely  gives effect but I would have liked to see how people reacted to it, but oh well I can look forward to that in part 2, coming out next year!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Rihanna-We Found Love

Rihanna- We Found Love (video and song)

Rihanna, one of the biggest names in music at the moment; has an amazing new track with Calvin Harris called ‘We Found Love’ the video and song are both shockingly different in a great way, there’s so many variated things happening in the video and the lyrics are well thought of.

At the beginning of the video there’s a little passage of speech that goes ‘It’s like screaming, but no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed, that someone could be that important, that without them you just feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you, and when it’s all over and it’s gone, you almost wish you could have all that bad stuff back, just so you can have the good.’

These words seem like they influence the video very much, the couple at the start seem so in love it’s unhealthily beautiful. There love is so strong it’s destructive, similar to the ‘love the way you lie’ video.

I think the camera shots in this video are absolutely stunning, for example when they show Rihanna taking tons of multi-coloured pills, then do a close up of her pupil and show it changing shape, also they do fast forward clips of her and her boyfriend being intimate, and they close up on the cigarette and put special effects on it to make the ash change colour. I think things like that make the video so much more unique and awesome.

Her boyfriend in the video, who looks vaguely like her ex Chris Brown; spends so much time with Rihanna, such as riding a bike together, going to the skate park, to a supermarket, to parties and in their home together I think it becomes so much for them both they go slightly crazy, you can see this kind of effect when he does things like tattooing the word ‘mine’ on her bum and when she throws up what looks like bubblegum, then they’re sitting in a bathtub together and she starts to drown.

Towards the end of the video they show them sitting in a car together silently, then they start yelling at each other arguing and she walks out, similarly, in their home she starts to pack a bag and walk out the house when he grabs her leg and begs her to stay, their love is so much to handle I think the video is trying to get across that the couple just got over whelmed with too much emotion.

Out of the many different outfits Rihanna wears in he video my favourite is when she’s in the supermarket wearing her baseball jacket, jeans, boots and beanie hat. I also love the American flag outfit when she’s partying with friends outside.

Overall I adore this song and video, the camera shots, the outfits, the whole theme of the video is just WOW. It’s a really up tempo club-dance tune, they’ll be playing this in bars everywhere for months to come!

Monday, 10 October 2011


Hey all,
Just a quick post to explain to you all why I haven't posted in a very long time. As i'm back to school now i'm getting lots of homework and I have school play rehearsals etc. So i've been really busy and I should be focusing on my schoolwork so I won't be posting as regularly anymore, but during school holidays I will try and post as much as possible. Sorry for all of you who check my blog weekly.

I'll post asap :)
-Shriya x

Monday, 12 September 2011

Waterloo Road Series 6 Recap

Waterloo Road Series 7 Re-Cap
A lot happened last series so I thought I’d write a brief recap for you with all the drama so you’re ready for series 8 on Wednesday.
School based drama ‘Waterloo Road’ ended very dramatically last series with Karen Fisher leaving the school, with all its unique problems, students & staff.
Sambucca Kelly, the feisty blonde who was good at heart but always back chatted teachers sadly got diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away. Tom Clarkson who was her family’s pillar of support for a long time helped her through her last weeks, along with her boyfriend Finn and best friend Lauren. Slowly dying she tried to make the most of her time left by spending her last day looking for her biological father and having a day at the seaside with her loved ones. The school had a memorial service for her and have planted a tree in her memory.
Staff member Eleanor Chaudry went behind Karen’s back telling the head of the board about the bad things happening in Waterloo road, which resulted in the school almost being shut down and Karen resigning, but Eleanor pulled through in the end, realising what she’d done was wrong and started a protest to keep the school open.
Aiden Scotcher (the caretaker’s son) got into a relationship with the head teacher’s daughter Jess Fisher, but then cheated on her with her best friend who’s currently engaged, Vikki McDonald. And they both became pregnant! Their friendship is shaky for a while but they realise they must stick together through it; Vikki decides she wants to keep the baby, but soon after she loses it in a mis-carriage.
Jodi Allen, also known as Scout joins the school as a messed up child with a broken family, a selfish mum, baby brother, and dealing drugs to supply for her family. But soon after Mr. Mead becomes aware of her situation and he helps her greatly, first by small things, giving her new uniform, and toiletries, but when her mum leaves town to be with her new boyfriend he takes her in for a night and takes care of her and her brother. Her character also becomes very close with Denzil Kelly, (Sam’s brother) who at first teases her like everyone else, but then shows a very large interest in her.
As a new series dawns, new characters, plots and stories will be coming to our screens. A new head teacher who came from an all boy’s school and survived a brutal stabbing will be taking over Waterloo Road, will the kids like him or drive him away like many other staff members?
So make sure you tune in on Wednesday BBC1 for the first episode of the new series!

Monday, 5 September 2011

One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful Review

One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful
One of the runners up from X Factor 2010, young, fun boy band One Direction have got a new single ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. (Release 11th September 2011)
The beginning of the song is the intro to ‘Summer Loving’ from the film Greece. I think it fitted in with the rest of the song really well.
The much loved band filmed the video for this song in LA on a beautiful sunny beach, directed by John Urbano.
Whilst filming the video Niall (1/5 of the band) almost got arrested for joyriding the orange caravan which is shown several times in the video, because he didn’t have a licence!
Also there’s a very intense scene when Harry sings close up to one of the girls in the video, I can tell hundreds of teenage girls across the nation were jealous at that point, I know I was!
The 5 teenage heart-throbs Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn also appeared on ‘The Alan Carr Show’ recently and proved they had come a long way since X Factor. No, I don’t mean they’d become sophisticated adults, but Zayn who on the show refused to dance in the boot camp session, actually had a dance off with Alan Carr! But on a serious note, they really have improved since the show, their voices, I think, are amazing.
I really like their fashion sense most of them going for the cool, suave look, t-shirts and chino’s, but Louis went all out there with his stripy top and bright red jeans. I loved his bravery that outfit wouldn’t suit many people, but it totally worked for him. On the subject of fashion, Liam went from his straight silky locks to the wavy rough look, personally I preferred the look before but this isn’t bad at all.
This video wasn’t your typical boy band kind of thing, which I like, they used a lot of unique aspects such as the sparklers on one scene and the orange caravan and singing whilst standing in the sea, I think that gave the video more of a bright happy vibe too.
I really love this song and think they’re doing a great job and can’t wait till they release an album; I’ll be first in the queue to buy it! They’re so young and different and have such an amazing career ahead of them, I think they’ve all grown more confident and I love this song, I remember the first time I heard it I had my own private dance session in my room!

Monday, 29 August 2011

The Smurfs Review

The Smurfs Review
Brief Summary:
In the ridiculously beautiful village of magical creatures, the Smurfs, who are all named after what they are/do best. An evil wizard named Gargamel wants to steal their power for himself so he chased some of the Smurfs out of their village and into New York (The Big Apple) and they struggle to get back into their realm before Gargamel finds them.
 In New York Papa, Clumsy, Smurfette, Grouchy, Gutsy, and Brainy find their way into Grace and Patrick’s home, Grace is pregnant and Patrick has been given a big job promotion.  After several incidents and Clumsy almost getting Patrick fired from his new job, they find a way to get back to Smurf Village. But Gargamel and his evil cat capture Papa Smurf, so Patrick and the others set out to save him, whilst Brainy goes back to Smurf Village to bring all the other Smurfs to help rescue Papa.
This film is fun, funny and just gives you a happy feeling. The famous little blue creatures have really taken their places in our hearts, weather there as sweet and innocent as Clumsy or as tough and outgoing as Gutsy.
There’s only one female Smurf in the movie, Smurfette, who’s voice was played by pop sensation Katy Perry, she was created by Gargamel to lure the other Smurfs away, but Papa Smurf showed her there was more to life, this was not shown in the film but was explained by Smurfette when she was having a heart-to-heart with Grace,
I really loved this film not only because I went to see it with my amazing friends but because it brings an important message, and reminds you of your wild imagination as a child, it makes you think about that, yes, there’s reality, and there’s crazy, wild, and outrageous and you have to have a mix of the both of them. It made me feel very sentimental and nostalgic as I’m sure it did too many others too, it’s really just a harmless fun film that makes you smile. The characters are just adorable and I’m glad they’ve put this film on the big screen.

Monday, 22 August 2011

X Factor - Flops&Success

X Factor- Flops&Success 
What Will This Year Bring Us?
Since 2004 X Factor has given us great entertainment, with many talented people, some of the winners from the show have gone to be a great success, others, well, not too well. Let’s go back in time shall we?...
2004- The first X Factor series, the winner that year was 36year old Steve Brookstein, who after 8months with his record label, was dropped in 2005. I think Steve had a soulful deep voice, but maybe he was better off singing karaoke.
2005- The aspiring winner this year was Shayne Ward, who released 3album’s, but, five years after he won the show, the record label ended his contract last November. Personally I loved Shayne’s voice, and think once he’d left the show he had time to develop his voice.
2006- This was the year of the stunning Leona Lewis. Since then she has released 2albums and a book! Also a perfume that hasn’t been released in the UK. I absolutely adore Leona’s voice, all her music is beautiful and sweet, and I can’t wait till she releases more!
2007- Leon Jackson, everyone had high hopes for him, but sadly again after only one album Simon’s record label named ‘Syco’ dropped him, it may have been because the runner up that year, Rhydian Roberts sold 370,000 more album’s than him.
 2008- This must’ve been the hardest year for the public to decide on a winner, but Alexandra Burke pulled through, she released her debut album and has also launched her own jewellery range. I think she has been a huge success and honestly deserved it.
2009- Sweet, innocent, Joe McEldery won 2009’s series. After releasing one single and coming out that he was gay the record label dropped him. I definitely preferred Joe’s voice on the show than to when he released his own music.
2010- Essex boy Matt Cardle grabbed the winner’s title last year and hasn’t done much since he won the show, but I’m sure we’ll be seeing some music from him soon. I really thought Matt’s voice was tender and strong he seems a lovely genuine person too.
These names are just proof that the X Factor isn’t the ‘Be All & End All’ and look at l the runners up who have had their break at fame, JLS, Cher Lloyd, Olly Murs , etc etc. I’m really looking orward to this year’s series, with a panel of new judges it’ll be exciting to see that they have to say about the show.
Even though the auditions have just started were all wondering, what will this year bring us? A star whose voice will last forever? Or a one hit wonder? I can’t wait to see!

Monday, 15 August 2011

The UK Riots

 The Riots

The Tottenham riots, where do I start? It’s been troubling the country for days now, mindless thugs and thieves blatantly stealing things destroying homes & businesses harming and killing people intentionally. It’s left many people home-less and job-less.
It’s said to have started on Thursday 2nd August when police shot and killed 29 year old Mark Duggan who was in possession of a gun. On Saturday 4th August 2 hours after a peaceful march for justice over Mark Duggan’s death, is when the riots started. Day by day; even hour by hour different gangs emerged from different areas causing havoc.
Day 1 - Large groups of young people set fire to a double decker bus and two police cars in Tottenham.
Day 2 - the riots hit several places, hundreds of shops looted, and places torched in: Enfield, Edmonton, Chingford Mount, Walthamstow, Dalston, Islington, Oxford Circus, Old Kent Road, Kings College Hospital, Brixton and Shepherds Bush.
Day 3 - More places were looted, torched and destroyed such as: Ponders End, South Woodford, Romford, Holloway, Camden, Hackney, East Ham, Barking, Elephant&Castle, Corporation St, Town Centre(Birmingham), Hurst St, Dean St, Bishop St, Toxteth Peckham, Deptford, Lewisham, Woolwich, Deptford, Ealing, Bromley and Croydon.
Day 4 - Things started too boil down a bit but not completely, things were still bad in Salford, Arndale Centre and again the town centre of Birmingham.
So many destructive things happened in so many places, its saddened people deeply, here are just a few examples. Everybody knows that the Sony Centre in Enfield was burnt and destroyed, but there weren’t just TV’s and laptops in there, but artists such as Adele, and the Arctic Monkey’s had album’s of songs ready to release in weeks that had been completely demolished. Artist, Charlie Simpson who had copies of his brand new solo album ready for the shops had been burnt to ash.
Also in Croydon a family furniture store that had been standing for 5 generations got torched, it had been standing for 140 years and would have continued to stand if it wasn’t for violent youths wanting revenge on the government, the miraculous store called ‘The Reeves Brothers’ had survived the brutal bombings of World War 2. It took less than 60 minutes for the store to be destroyed.
An aquatint of Wayne Rooney, Helen Wood was battered in a pub during these mind-blowing riots, rioters charged in chanting ‘Rooney, Rooney’ they spotted the young pretty single mum and two men and 7 women attacked her viciously. The women kicked her in the face almost blinding her as they wore spike stilettos.
Even after all these tragic incidents there were a few brave people such as Louise Smith who owns a quaint little salon in Wolverhampton, she explained to at least 300 kids that ‘you’re not destroying my shop’ she was classed as a hero in many papers, she stood in front of her shop with no fear whilst her daughter by the gate shouted for her to come back inside.   She was determined and brave and it payed off, her shop went entirely un-touched.
Personally I think that some of the children who played a part in this are doing it out of boredom/government/police issues when it started of as justice for Mark Duggan which it surely isn’t, they should think to themselves, ‘Is this what he would’ve wanted?’ It’s pathetic that most of them don’t even know him. I think instead of prison, they should ALL do community service, and try to build back what they have ruined.

Monday, 8 August 2011

The Declaration-Gemma Malley;Book Review

The Declaration-Gemma Malley
Summary of the Book:                  
London, year 2140; scientists have created a drug called ‘longevity’ that prevents aging, which means one generation lives forever. And no babies are born. There’s a document called the declaration which everybody must sign in order to take the drug, it states ‘A life for a life’ if you opt-out of taking the drug by 16years old then you may have one child, but if you don’t opt-out and give birth to a child, it’s considered illegal. They are named Surpluses and are sent to a cruel boarding school and never allowed to see the out-side world.
A 14year old girl called Surplus Anna is very well behaved, she does what she’s told, she has no friends, works hard, and she hates her parents for giving birth to her and herself for being alive. But one day a boy called Peter gets sent to the hall, he’s 15 mysterious, and intriguing he tells Anna he knows her parents, after a lot of arguing and tears they become friends. Then they take a huge risk and put their lives in danger. They get betrayed, hurt and have the most miraculous adventure and find out the most shocking things. It’s absolutely chilling.
‘A haunting and suspenseful page-turner’- Sunday times children’s book of the week. ‘One of the best written books of the year’-Sunday Telegraph. Just a few quotes and ways to describe this life changing book. I would say ‘It’s a very thought-provoking book that plays on your mind drastically, making you question humanity and the future.’
When I first started reading this book I thought I wouldn’t understand it or enjoy it. And I have never been so wrong in my life, it is one of the most amazing stories I have ever read, it actually changed the way I look at some aspects in life, it’s moving and sweet, it’s got everything, action, tragedy, happiness, romance, and a twist. I could read it again and again because its beauty never changes, it’s such a remarkable story and I really really love it. Within a day of finishing this book i could not wait so I went and got the next in the series straight away, I’m reading it at the moment.
Gemma Malley, the amazing author of this book wrote a trilogy of this tale, The Declaration, The Resistance, and The Legacy, I’ve only had the pleasure of reading one so far, but I intend to read them all. 

Monday, 1 August 2011

Amy Winehouse Rehab - Review

Hey everyone!
For my first ever blog post I’m going to write a review on the song Rehab- by Amy Winehouse as a tribute to her tragic death , she was an extremely talented vocalist who will be remembered forever.
This song was written and sung by Amy in the time all her friends, family, and fans were pushing her and pressuring her to go to rehab because of her drug addiction. It has a gob-smacking 35,878 more likes than dislikes and around 11,016,269 views, on the official YouTube video; this proves that millions of people loved her husky vibrant voice.
Amy also mentions her ‘daddy’ in the lyrics. At the time she had broken up from her boyfriend (Blake Fielder-Civil) and was suffering from depression when she turned to alchahol and drugs most of her family and friends urged her to go to rehab, but not all. Her father thought she didn’t need it at the time that is why she mentioned that lyric ‘but if my daddy thinks I’m fine’.
Personally I really enjoy a lot of Amy’s music, and this is one of my all time favourites, although the meaning behind it is moving and sad, the song is absolutely amazing. It really makes you want to get up and dance! When I hear this song it literally makes me get up and sing and dance around the room no matter who I’m with or how stupid I look because it has such an exciting beat to it I really love it!
Also in the video I really like how the musicians playing instruments such as the saxophone and guitar follow around whatever setting she is in weather it’s her room or an office or the bathroom, it gives it a friendly fun kind of vibe.
Amy’s songs and magnificent voice will forever be in mine and many of her fan’s hearts.
R.I.P Amy Winehouse

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